The Chronicles of Lana.-Of Gin and Men are very short stories by Lana, a prim and proper Presbyterian who's a rare combination of a fading mid-life Southern Belle debutante and fag hag.

She's proud of her ancestry and old Scottish Presbyterian traditions; but she also has a yen for the wilder side of life. Lana drinks gin and loves 'running with' her two cousins, Cameron and T. Mack, who constantly are on a manhunt. Through them she meets persons and goes to places of sorts she never knew before. 

Neither Cam nor T. Mack objects to having her be chauffeur for them in her big red El Dorado, nor do they object to Lana paying the checks at the most expensive restaurants and clubs. 

The trio always seems to be primed for some sort of romp or adventure.  They travel frequently and are social gadabouts in Charlotte, and wherever they are, humorous happenings occur.

Lana embraces alternative and various lifestyles, and her stamp of approval carries weight with the 'people who matter' in Charlotte since she is "The Belle of Old Myers Park" (Charlotte's old and elite neighborhood).   True to her Calvinistic heritage, Lana says there's no need for anyone to apologize, or make any explanation, for being homosexual.

"It's just Providential," Lana explains, "because whatever is, was meant to be."

Lana enjoys hearing from friends, so please do contact her at lanatales@yahoo.com.

